Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Weiner Dog Chases Carrot

The Target Market garage sale (well, really it was more of a driveway sale) was a sucess! Items were priced to move, and move they did. We even had a guest appearance by the ghost of Billy Mays. To our surprise, he's actually a little less scary in ghost form. It was super busy in the first half of the day, but seemed to die down in the afternoon. By then, we had a "Free Stuff" sign posted in front of our house and even then, our picked-over-junk didn't seem to arouse any interest. For some reason, people don't care about the Nordic Track, or Pearl Jam bootlegs, or any other relics from the 90's anymore. I guess the Nordic Track looks a little less appealing without a roided out, shouting man with a curly ponytail demonstrating its usefulness. Anyway, we made at least enough money to get our drink on at the Schlafly Tap room that night whilst watching the Lake, who, with the addition of second guitarist Ben, has gone from awesome to REALLY FUCKIN' AWESOME!

Thank you for everyone who came to our garage sale, and a big "I told you so" to anyone who did not.

Perhaps if we had been selling a Nordic Track treadmill...


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Our Things Could Be Your Things

Hello everyone (i.e. no one, or, hi mom). It has been a little while since we have blogged on this blog on this blog-site in this blogosphere in this blogiverse. Mostly, we have been trying to squeeze out a 25th hour from the 24 hour cable news Michael Jackson coverage. During commercial breaks we have been practicing/writing, filming our episode of MTV Cribz (yes, that MTV Cribz), preparing to move out of our house, and for the subsequent tour to follow. I (Nathan) will be moving out a week early, as I am visiting my grandfather in Oregon. He is a farmer for the state of California.

In the meantime, to raise money for our tour, Target Market is having a garage sale. So, for you superfans out there who follow us on TMZ: here is your chance to pick up a copy of Ishmael once read by TM bassist Drew Mossman, or a chair once used to support the weight of drummer Joseph Winters, or perhaps a mustace trimmer witha stray hairs from the mustache of guitarist Clayton Parker. Do not let this opportunity pass you by! The sale is at the Target Market house (246 Coventry Place Edwardsville, Il. 62025) and will take place beginning at 8 a.m. Saturday July 18th. We will see you there!